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I use the King James Bible as my source. Me or my website or blogs are NOT OBLIGATED TO ANY LIABILITIES for any use of these sources. I refrain myself from adding my own words because. My own words come from the flesh, and the flesh is nothing but dead works. I link all the scriptures that I compiled together to various websites that contain King James Bible for quick easy access and study. It is better to have more than one resource.
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I'm not a Bible scholar. Me or my website or blogs are NOT OBLIGATED TO ANY LIABILITIES for any missing information or misleading information or incorrect information, data or material. Before July 7th of 2021, I had little education in the word of God. I grew up in the 7th day Adventist church, from birth to my teens. I have attended Mormon church in my late twenties for just over a year. I'm not responsible for any unintentional misleading material. These are just notes for studies, not for life applications, I am not responsible for missing data. I have comment boxes for those who find faults or missing data or misleading material that needs corrections. If corrections are possible to be made they will be made as soon as possible.
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